April & Leo Recap

Chase’s turtle turned out soooo good! I’m so impressed.

When he said he wanted to do this costume, as a surprise I put together an April O’Neil costume. I wasn’t going to tell him, I was just going to put it on at the con when he put on the turtle. But of course I ended up telling him. LOL
Not much to this… I found this vintage yellow bell-bottomed, zip-up jumpsuit on ebay. I took the hem out of the legs and sleeves – luckily someone at some point had shortened the pants, so there was a lot of extra material at the bottom that I could use to make the pockets on the chest. I hemmed them back up, sewed the new pockets on, cut the original sash off, and made a white belt out of leftover white vinyl.

The wig wasn’t exact, but oh well. It was my Mara Jade wig I never wore. I cut it up a bit, and that was good enough for me. It could have been shorter, but I liked it like that — Cath wanted to wear it saturday night when we all went out for the buffy prom, I wish she had!

Anyway, here we are:

My April O'Neil costume from September 2006.Photo taken at Dragoncon 2006! By TheSenatorKelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Pic from The Senator!

I didn’t wear it that long, but it was pretty cool while it lasted because I never had to hide my camera. The boots are NOT comfortable though. And I had to wear them with 3 different costumes this year! Chase talked me into wearing it again sunday afternoon instead of the Belle peasant dress (so I never wore that at the con at all!).